Monday, October 30, 2006

Great things happening and great things on the way

Thank the Lord for a good weekend. I had to work for a while Saturday but had a pretty good day. Sunday was a great day. With the exception of some yellow jackets getting into the house during Sunday morning service. We live in an old house(almost 100) and some yellow jackets have made a nest under a corner of the roof. I am in the process of getting rid of it, but they have so how found a way into the house so over the past couple of days we have been finding at least a couple each day. Sunday afternoon we took Doodlebug, otherwise known as Kathryn(my cousin's little girl) to a local orchard. They have a petting zoo there, which she loved. We fed llamas, goats, and sheep. They also had chickens, rabbits, peacocks, and a donkey/mule that was as tall or taller than me. We had a lot of fun and took some good pictures. While there we picked up some apple cider donuts and pumpkin donuts for our Pastor's Social after church. I personally like the pumpkin ones better. At any rate, by the time everyone let after church, all the donuts were gone. We had hot and cold cider with them. It was nice fellowshipping with everyone, just snacking and chatting. We are looking forward to our upcoming ministers' convention.

On another note, I have found something that I didn't know that there was. Another TCOG pastor that enjoys not only contemporary music, but Christian rock. Bands like Kutless, etc. Way to go Bro. Johnny. There must be others out there. We need to find them and unite to convert others. :)

I would also like to thank the Lord for good attendance this Sunday. We are looking to win more people to Christ. I am excited by all of the good reports that I am hearing about The Church of God across the country and even in different parts of the world.

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