Saturday, January 12, 2008


We have discovered that we have a little Houdini running around. This morning Anna started out the morning by attempting to climb up one of our safety gates. She decided that the little holes in it would make excellent places for her feet to go in to climb up. Thankfully, I caught her before she got very high. Then later, she climbed out of her high chair and ended up in the floor. Non the worse for the wear, thankfully. She got out of the restraint belts and around the thing that goes on the top for her food! Yesterday she pushed the big pillows out of the way that we have blocking her in the front two rooms. And did I mention that she will take off like crazy up the stairs. We did have a gate at the bottom, but it was pushing out on our banister. We are going to have to figure out something else.
The good news is she has figured out how to safely get out of her bed. Kelley has been getting her to turn to the side and back down each morning and within about 3 days she figured it out. Now she does it on her own. Whether off the bed, the little exercise trampoline at mom and grandpa's, or the little 2-3 step down from the dining area to the family room at mom and grandpa's. Now if we can just teach her to make it down the stairs safely, we will be closer to being ok. The child is simply all over the place!
In other news, we will be having a district fellowship here in Amity next Sat., the 19th for the IN/OH district. If you are in our district, just go to our website at for more information about it. We will be having dinner with a service following. If you are coming, please try to let me know through email( or phone(317-403-4236) so we can plan for the meal. If you don't reach me, come any way. It would be great to see you.
Please pray for the Evansville mission. I was unable to go today, because I needed to take a CDL class for work. Pray that the people there would be encouraged and uplifted.

Continue to press toward the mark.

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