Monday, June 09, 2008

Flood pics.

Here are some flood pictures. In the first one our house is the white house in the middle. I am unsure if this was during or right before or after the crest.

Our house
This second one is where Kelley almost went under when the firemen were bringing her out. As you can see the current around the truck is coming down the alley very strong.
There were a number of guys locked arm in arm across this alley trying to block the current so that the firefighters could get Kelley and the kids across.
They got across at the back end of the blue truck in the picture.

Unfortunately, during this I am on an island on the other side of the brick house in the first picture. I was headed with the firefighters to get Kelley and the girls but they were worried because I didn't have a life vest. I wasn't home when the flash flood happened and had already waded through quite a bit of water to get almost to them. I was to remain stranded for about seven hours. I could of got on one of the earlier boats but I figured everyone else should go first. Thankfully, someone took Kelley into their house and found a way to get them to my mom and grandpa's. I wish I could of been with my girls but it was better for them not to have been with me as I don't know how well the two little girls and Kelley would have handled the boat ride. Especially since the most they could fit were two at a time. Katherine, the other little girl at my house Sat. is 5 almost 6 but would have still been pretty scared riding in the boat in the fast moving water. Thanks for all the prayers. Maybe if I remember to get our camera cord tomorrow I will upload some pictures.

God bless


Vicki Smith said...

It's got to be terribly unnerving to have water rise so quickly! Thank God for keeping you guys safe. Do you guys rent your house, or are you buying it? What about insurance? Is there anything any of us can do to help?

Unknown said...

We have been in the process of buying it. We are unsure at this time exactly what the insurance is going to do. We did get our rental car from them today, until they give us the settlement from the car. We have filed a claim with our homeowners and flood insurance. We will hopefully find out in the next few days exactly what will happen. Please just continue to pray that everything will work out how the Lord would desire. Also, please pray for our neighbors as some have it much worse than us, as some had no insurance.

The Middle J said...

Read this awhile ago but blogger wasn't letting me comment. We've been praying for you and will continue to pray for you guys. Thank God ya'll are safe.

Vicki Smith said...

Just got back from a trip out of town. What's the status? What's the damage? Is the insurance company working with you guys? Is there anything we can do?

Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Brother Ryan, could you send me your e-mail address? Mine is
Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.