Sunday, June 03, 2007

Good things!

We had a good morning and evening service today. This morning we had 14 for Sunday School, and 19 for morning worship. We had some out of town visitors, but thankfully all but one of our regulars was here. We are seeing some positive things happen and the Lord is really blessing us. This evening there was a good spirit present in the service.
We talked about acquiring the property for the church, mentioned a few posts back, tonight before church and we have agreed that we want to proceed in this direction. I have to make a call tomorrow to the zoning and planning guy to make sure that I understood correctly what he meant on one question and to ask one more. If everything goes all right, we plan on being done with our renovations and ready for our opening service sometime in July, with VBS soon to follow.
We haven't had a VBS in at least 2 or 3 years, so we are going to need a lot of work and a lot of prayer that things will go smoothly. We are looking for great things from the Lord as we launch into the end of this convention year and the beginning of the next.
May God bless you in your labors for HIM!

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